Core Strength and Weight Training Importance of Core Strength and Progression Upper Body Weight Form Strength Demo Upper Body Weight Strength Core Strength and the Importance of Planks Frequence of Core and Weight Strength Training Core Strength and Importance of Planks Importance of Core Traps Leg Strength Development Importance of Core Strength and Progression Squats with Weights Back Planks Side Plank Front Plank Emphasis Weights Complement Strength for Running Importance of Weight Lifting Purpose and Reps for Squats and Lunges Importance of Doing warm up, drills correctly Overview of warmup routine Warmup and Lunge Form Colton and Rory: Warmup Routine and Form Drills Overview of Form Drills Sequence Warm Lunge Form Leg Swings Why It’s Important To Do Drills A-Skip B-Skip Butt Kick Double-B High Knees Quick Steps Colton and Rory: Narrative and Advice Colton all little things are compliments to your fitness Importance of doing your warm up and drills correctly Rory Outtake Introductions Importance of doing extra Plyometrics Single Leg Bleacher Hops Frog Jumps Plyometrics Wall or Box Jumps